R70,950.00 (Incl)

SKU: 400-0214 Categories: ,

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The MPCT3X features an open concept design above the primary horizontal crosshair and a minimally sized dot-style holdover tree below. The tree portion of the reticle utilizes dots arranged in a grid pattern with 0.2Mil spacing thus allowing greater precision with holding for elevation as well as wind. The upper half of the field of view has the vertical crosshair extending up to 4.0 Mils. This maintains an open field of view in the upper half of the reticle while providing enhanced hold-under capability or measurments for calling bullet trace.The primary horizontal crosshair features 0.2 mil references along the bottom edge that provide a visual distinction between the 0.2 , 0.4 , 0.6 and 0.8 Mil marks making those hold points rapidly identified. It also includes a single tick mark along the top edge of the horizontal at every 0.5 Mil.

The tree is only as large as absolutely necessary.

Reference numbers for wind holds are included at 3R and 3L locations indicating a wind hold of that amount.

The even elevation numbers are located on both left and right sides of the tree making counting much easier.

The MPCT3X is the ultimate reticle for speed and highest precision at the same time!

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